
Establishment of companies

Law Services Firm

1. Solidarity Company

2. Simple Recommendation Company

3. Joint Stock Company

4. Simplified Joint Stock Company (New)

  •     There is no minimum company capital requirement.
  •     Allows issuing multiple types and categories of equity with varying rights, obligations, and restrictions.
  •     It can be administered by one or more Directors, a Board of Directors, or other structures.
  •     There is no requirement for public associations to exist, allowing contributors to exercise those competencies and determine who assumes them.
  •     The Company’s system establishes the quorum basis for the validity and decisions of shareholders’ meetings.

5. Limited Liability Company

The Saudi Arabian government formally acknowledges companies as autonomous economic units, composed of individuals who collectively form a distinct legal entity.

These corporate structures must be officially registered with the Ministry of Commerce and are subject to a comprehensive framework of domestic and international laws and regulations.

Book a consultation with Musa & Partners to ensure your rights are protected.


Establishment of companies

1. Copies of the owner’s personal ID card or passport.

 Stage A: Extracting the Commercial Registry

 Stage B: Extracting the Tax Card

  1. Present the original commercial registry.
  2. Provide proof of lease for the company’s premises or a registered contract for the company’s headquarters if owned.
  3. Submit the partnership contract (if applicable).
  4. Provide water or electricity proof for the location.

 Stage C: Extracting Licenses for Activity

Musa Law Services Firm’s Expertise

  • Certified and certified trade registry.
  • Company owner ID card.
  • General Manager Data.
  • Certificate of good conduct and conduct.
  • Necessary licenses.
  • Certificate of capital deposit.
  • Legitimate power of attorney.
  • Headquarters lease (if required).

  • Be a Saudi national partner or resident in Saudi Arabia.
  • Sufficient capital for business activity.
  • A fixed headquarters in Saudi Arabia.
  • A compatible accounting system.

Musa Law Services Firmoffers a team of experienced professionals to guide you through the establishment process, ensuring compliance with all regulations.

  • Stimulating and encouraging investments.
  • Fostering social integration.
  • Driving innovation.
  • Supporting technology advancement.
  • Developing skills and training opportunities.
  • Encouraging entrepreneurship.

Establishment of companies

  • Formulating contracts.
  • Providing legal advice.
  • Pursuing legal matters.
  • Managing tenders and auctions.
  • Attending Board of Directors meetings.
  • Handling legal certificates and licenses.
  • Drafting legal documents.
  • Chairing administrative committees.
  • Representing employees.
  • Preparing legal notes.
  • Following legal amendments.
  • Staff training and development.
  • Skills Needed for a Corporate Lawyer

Get in Touch now!

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