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trademark registration cost in saudi arabia in details

Registering a new trademark requires a lot of thinking and knowledge about different details related to this process. Knowledge about trademark registration costs can be one of the most common problems facing businessmen while registering their trademarks. We will discuss with you in details, trademark registration cost in Saudi Arabia. We will give you all the details you need to know about this point.

Trademark registration cost in Saudi Arabia

The first point that you may think about during your trademark registration is its costs. The costs of trademark registration can be listed as follows:

  • Trademark submission and studying fees: 1000 Saudi Riyals for submission and study of your application.
  • Trademark publication fees: 1575 SR for publication of your trademark, and will be issued if your trademark registration request is accepted.
  • Trademark issuing and protection: 5000 SR for issuing trademark certificate and protecting the trademark.

Trademark registration steps

Registration of your trademark is the first way of success for your own business, so knowledge about trademark registration steps is a top priority to be able to successfully register your own trademark and start your own business. You need to take into consideration that the registration of a trademark differs between individuals and agents. To register your trademark you need to do the following steps:

  • Visit the SAIP website, select services and then select trademark service.
  • Login to the trademark portal and then log in to the service platform using the One National Access/ e-mail.
  • Choose to register a trademark as a concerned person or as an agent.
  • if the request is from an agent a trademark registration agent must be recorded in the Agent registry, and you need to wait for the acceptance of the authorization from the SAIP as well.
  • Fill the required data and pay the trademark registration cost in Saudi Arabia required for studying the application, which is estimated by 1000 SR.
  • After studying the application for trademark registration the decision could be made as follows:
    • Except with the condition of modification with time for modification of 90 days.
    • Refuse and allow for modification and the deadline of for modification in this case 10 days.
    • Final refusal in two cases, first one if the modification is not made within the 10 days deadline, or if the modification has been made but the required legal conditions are not met.
  • If the trademark registration is accepted, you need to pay the publication fees as at this step, the publication invoice will be issued.
  • After paying the publication fees the publication step will take place, the publication period is 60 days.
  • If the publication period lapses without any objection from the client the final invoice will be issued within 30 days of its issuance and the fees should be paid by the client.
  • After paying the final invoice you can now print your trademark via the system.

Trademark registration steps by an agent can differ in the following steps:

  • First you need to get an authorization from the authorized person in the government Agency to register the trademark.
  • After entering the SAIP website and selecting the services of trademarks, logging into the trademark portal and the service platform as we mentioned before, you need to enter the option “apply for a power of attorney” service and fill out the data as a stakeholder and attach the authorization.
  • You need to wait until the acceptance of the authorization by the SAIP.
  • Request to register a new trademark as a concerned person or an agent, as per the power of attorney.
  • If the registration is made from an agent, the trademark registration agent must be recorded in the agent registry.

Mousa & partners services

Mousa & Partners is the best place to get legal advice to start your business without any legal issues. Mousa & partners office can give you a set of services that can help you with your business as follows:

  • Company services, as Mousa & partners can offer a lot of services in this field like transforming companies from limited liability companies to closed joint-stock companies and transforming companies from limited liability companies to publicly listed joint-stock companies.
  • Issuance of Capital Market Authority licenses and Central Bank licenses.
  • Arbitration in international and local commercial disputes.
  • JV agreement, which can help you with your business partnerships.
  • Corporate Governance for Joint-Stock Companies and Family Businesses.

So ask Mousa & partners for legal advice to help your business healthy growth and developments.

Common questions on trademark registration

What is the importance of trademark registration in Saudi Arabia?

Through trademark registration you can get the following benefits:

  • Legal protection for your business.
  • Elevating the commercial value of your business.
  • Improve customer’s confidence in your business.
  • Ease in expansion.
  • Exclusive use of the trademark.

What are the benefits of registering a trademark in Saudi Arabia?

Registering a trademark in Saudi Arabia can give you additional benefits, with ease in registration of the trademark, ease of financing the business and ease of getting the benefits of the investment in Saudi Arabia with 2030 vision.

Reserve your free consultation with Mousa & partners legal office

Do you need to begin your business but you need to get a legal consultation ? Get a free consultation with a great legal team who can give you the best legal advice to begin your business without any complications, and get the highest benefits from the encouraging investment climate in Saudi Arabia. Visit our website, and get your free consultation, with the best legal team.

Contact information for Mousa & partners legal office

Address: Floor H, Building 407, Zone 4, King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Phone number: +966505898510


Working time: everyday from 9 AM to 5 PM, except Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM to 6 PM.

Why to choose Mousa & partners legal office?

With Mousa & partners legal office, you can find the best experts in the commercial law to begin your trademark registration journey, and establish your private business with counselling services in your different legal issues, so contact us and begin your trademark journey with us.

Beginning a business in Saudi Arabia is a great opportunity, and this opportunity could be perfectly used by the registration of your trademark. Of course, being aware of the trademark registration costs can help you calculate the total required costs to begin a business in Saudi Arabia, especially if you intended to establish a new trademark.

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